my name is nontobeko phumla duma but people know me as lala have a look at my profile to know more about me.what freedom of expression means to me may seem a little unconvicing coming from a person who's right for freedom of expression has never been violated by the government (or at home if I can help it).but does freedom of expression laws count in a household or is it irelavate to the big picture.are my rights of freedom of expression violated when my parents don't allow me to voice my opinion because they belive i'm trying to be rude or if i can't express my self the way i want to in the way i dress.don't these things matter.sure don't make a mountain out of a mole hill can be a good argument but what about being held acountable to what you do and knowing about the rights you have so you have the power to do something when they are being violated. i am one of the opinion that people taking acountablity for they actions when young makes them more responsible when now in comes along a goverment offical who speaks slanderous speech that incites violence and is haterful we can forgive this indivudual can't we because this right wasn't put in place when he was born he was born into a society were the government treated the peolpe how ever they chose.bringing it back to a home situation a little boy is on the playground a bully comes in and calls this boy a racist word the boy swears him back, another boy screams out "FIGHT" he taunts them into fighting and a fight ensues.could all of them be tried for violating the freedom of expression. i don't think anyone would think about doing that.
i believe freedom of expression in south africa exists although it is now being challenged for the media.the right to freedom of expression to me is better than freedom of speech because expression is such a broad thing it is a sign of truly being free to express your self anyway you feel you can to be married to anyone you feel be any religion you feel and to be what and who you feel.that is true freedom and it hurts me to think that could ever be taken from the people from this beautiful nation.